Yogurt University

Learn how to make yogurt at home with our tried and tested homemade yogurt recipe & tips. How yogurt is made is a simple combination of temperature and time. Follow our 4 step method for perfect homemade yogurt every time.


Heat your choice of dairy or plant-milk to 194°F (90°C) in a pan or microwave.

This binds the proteins in dairy milk, and activates thickeners used with plant-milks.

You will make a much thicker yogurt if you take time to do this simple first step.

2. Cool + Starter

Cool the pan of milk for 5 minutes to 113°F (45°C) in a sink of cold water.

Use a thermometer, and heat the milk up if you leave it too long and it falls below this temperature. 

Stir in the yogurt starter culture.

yogurt making advice and recipes


Prepare your Yogurt Maker and add cultured milk.

Culture for 8 hours.

Ensure the temperature stays between 97°F - 113°F (36°C - 45°C) to keep the starter cultures active.

4. Chill before eating

Remove yogurt from the maker and refrigerate until well chilled before eating. Yogurt will set further on chilling.

Always add flavors after making.  Strain through cheese cloth to make Greek Yogurt.

Eat within 7 days.

learn to make yogurt at home


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